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Michelle Obama gets emotional saying goodbye to the White House
  来源:全球通facebook平台养号  更新时间:2024-06-24 03:18:59

Michelle Obama appeared on Wednesday's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallonto talk about her mom, the future and the challenge of saying goodbye.

One of the Obama family's many emotional goodbyes came on Friday when the First Lady gave her final speech in office.

SEE ALSO:Michelle Obama's final farewell: "Lead by example with hope, never fear"

"We never see you get that emotional," Fallon said of the speech. "What was it that choked you up?"

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Obama explained:

"Talking about kids; talking about the future. Kids are my heart. When I think about the fact that some of them are afraid about what's to come, what I said is, I really don't want them to be afraid. I want them to embrace the future and know that the world is getting better. We have bumps in the road, we have ups and downs, but I want our kids to move forward -- I don't care where they come from -- with strength and hope."

Over the course of their extended conversation, the First Lady also discussed her plans to continue the initiatives she started while in office, shared the stories behind some of the First Family's most iconic photos and sent a heartfelt thank you to her mother.

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